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Elder Law

Our Services

Elder law is a broad term that encompasses many areas including personal care planning, traditional estate planning, legal capacity counseling and representation, public benefit counseling, resident rights advocacy, housing advocacy, and more. 

As we age, the issues we encounter can change. Whether you are looking toward the future to plan for the inevitabilities of age, or you are a family member looking for advice on how to get your loved one help, our elder law attorney will assist you every step of the way.

One important aspect when planning for long term care is understanding public benefits available to every Missouri resident. Leveraging these benefits can be key to ensuring the impact of care costs is not financially crippling. 

Another important aspect of elder law is legal capacity counseling. To sign legal documents, including a will, power of attorney, or other contract, a person must be of sound mind which lawyers call having legal capacity. Our elder law attorney has experience in legal capacity determinations and can assist you or your loved one in determining whether legal capacity will be an issue in your case.

Our office strives to be your one-stop shop for elder law needs. If you have questions or would like more information, don’t hesitate to schedule a free consultation with our office today.

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